
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

This is called Bees and Hearts!

I started making these pants and thought I'd try a one ruffle but go bigger....

They needed a little something I thought.  I looked in my supplies to see what I may have.  I didn't have any red ribbon, but I found I had some red binding!  Light Bulb!

Oh that red I think really made it POP!  So looks good....but then another light pops on....I didn't sew down the folded part of the binding so now I know at this point after these pants are washed/dryed - that is going to open up and look way different.  And it does.....but not really in a bad way.  Just now has a more rugged look.  Some people like it all neat and tidy and then someone people like it more rugged.  Just a matter of taste.  They look duller in this photo here below but I think its because of the red and the lighting here at work compared to home.  But another friend did tell me about this stuff called Stitch Witchery I may want to check out if I want to use the binding in the future and dont want the rugged look.


I found another new love!  A few of my friends have Cricuts because they do a lot of scrapbooking but I dont scrapbook.  A friend told me about a great deal and where her aunt was selling her Cricut.  So I bought it from her because I heard you can cut FABRIC with it!  Oh yea - so on to making some applique's!  See below.  Just practicing right now.  Gave the kitty towel to my mom/law and the pink flower towel to my mom.  They just loved them!  : )

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Been busy sewing!!

Wow - I have to say I'm on a role again!  Been sewing a few things!  Lets go in order...

A friend had this shirt from Disney World brought back to her and it fit a little snug to her as she likes for her shirts to hang a bit looser.  So...I added some sides to the shirt using as close of fabric as I could for the shirt.  Her shirt was 100% polyester and the only thing I could find was 65% polyester/cotton.  I was told this is the closest I'd fine as we can't buy 100% polyester. 

Here is the results. I chose black to bring out the Mickey in her shirt.  It looks great and Debbie loves it!  Thanks Debbie for trusting me with your shirt! : )

Next....I made this blue/brown pillow case dress.  I used...get this....Bandanas!  It turned out so cute.  I brought it to work and a coworker immediately said she wanted it!!  However she had one other request.

Bridgit requested I make some of those ruffle pants to go along with it.  Below is a photo of the not finished pants but gives you the idea of what 2 ruffles look like vs 1 ruffle.  Bridgit really likes the 2 ruffles and so do I!  so cute.  I didn't make them overly big though because this is for a soon to be 1 year old and I didn't want the ruffles to swallow her legs!  LOL.

And last but not least!  Here is another pillowcase dress I made.  My husband picked out this fabric and suggested the front/back differ. I call this the Love dress.  Either or could be front or back.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pillowcase Dress

Got in the mood of sewing!  Made a dress the other night and brought it to a coworker for her little girl.  She loved the dress and hung it outside her cube wall all day long and people were coming by commenting about it.  Made me feel good.  She took it home and let her baby girl where it today to daycare and she looks so darn cute!!  Brought tears to my eyes to see someone wearing what I made!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Back from Vacation

Oh my - I had an awesome time on vacation.  Enjoyable, fun, wonderful, time!  Our first time to Destin was great.  It was beautiful.  Here are a couple of pics to share with you.  We all can't wait till we go back again!