
Thursday, September 29, 2011

School started...and well

Well - with August - came school - summer gone - and homework and everything else back in the picture.  I have to get started back on my sewing - its been forever!  I do have a small dress that I started on during summer that I need to finish up for my niece Ella.  Her birthday is this weekend.  Hope all is well that reads my blog.  Sorry for the lack of posting.  I need to get motivated back to the sewing machine....I do love it....but other things have dragged me away....good things though....FAMILY! :)  My youngest son did just celebrate his 6th birthday!  Here is a photo of him from this past weekend.  His car actually had the number 9 on it and with a little paintbrush - cutting - and turning that 9 upside down - I made his car to be a "6" to match his age!  Ha! 

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